
Why another book on Islam?

Given the dynamics of our shrinking world where distant peoples now share neighborhoods, workplaces and university classrooms, the time has come for Christians and Muslims to stop talking about each other and start talking to each other and with each other. For too long we have allowed third parties to define us, leaving us mutually diminished. Lost is the recognition of our shared humanity, the chance for friendship, and much-needed clarity about our beliefs.

This book aims to kick-start such conversations and then raise them to a new level.



Many Misconceptions Exist Between the Followers of Islam and Christianity.

You can help resolve this in your world.

“Pastor J. P. combines a scholarly mind with a pastor’s heart. He took the lead in welcoming refugees and people of all nations to our church, and his love for them was returned.”

- Victoria, University ESL Instructor

“Compassionate, thorough, well-documented, fair-minded, and truthful. These descriptors characterize one of the most helpful books for Christians and Muslims on the market today. Author J.P. Knight’s long-time interaction with the Muslim community has given him rare insights into a plethora of concerns voiced by Muslims about Christianity. His respect for the questioners is evidenced by the care with which he boldly, candidly, and thoroughly responds. This is a “must read” for all Christians and Muslims as we seek God’s truth and lives that exhibit harmony and peace.”

- Dr. P. Arnold Moore